农业数据库是科研工作的基础工具 ,在选择和续订数据库中 ,由于我国数据库事业的发展迅速 ,往往难以用有限的经费购置最适合的数据库。本文在实际工作的基础上 ,根据各个数据库的特色 ,提出依据数据库的统计功能 ,定量地选择数据库 。
Agricultural databases are the basic tools for agricultural research.In the selection and continue to subscription of databases,due to the rapid development of database cause in China,it is difficult to use limited fund to procure appropriate databases.On the basis of the features of each database,the paper puts forward the suggestions of database acquisition work throughout the year by selecting databases on the statistical functions.
Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture