在新的历史时期 ,邓小平对风云变幻的国际形势作出了新的分析判断 ,对我国的外交战略和对外政策进行了重大调整 ,始终把国家利益作为对外政策的出发点 ,对我国外交战略中的国家利益进行了具体而全面的分析、阐述 ,坚持不以社会制度和意识形态来处理国家之间的关系 ,把经济建设当作是我国最大、最高的利益 ,坚持社会主义的立国与强国之路 ,坚持独立自主的国家主权 ,维护国家独立和领土的完整统一 ,形成了完整的国家利益思想。
In the new historical period,Deng Xiaoping,making a new analytical judgement to the changeable international situation,greatly changed Chhina's foreign strategy and foreign police.On the basis of the national profits in the foreign police,he analyzed and explained the country's profit in China's foreign police specificalyy and wholly,insisting on treating the relationship between countries with social system and ideolgy and regarding economic constructing as China's greatest and highest profit,insisting that socialism is the way to establish and strengthe the country,insisting on an independent sovereign state,safeguarding an independent state and a country's territorial integrity,and forming the thought of whole country's profits.
DENG Xiao-ping
foreign strategy
country's profits