《子虚赋》是汉赋大家司马相如的第一篇作品 ,现已亡佚。本文在考察文献资料的基础上认为 ,《子虚赋》是为讽谏梁孝王的奢靡游乐而作 ,内容取材于梁地风物、梁孝王的奢靡状况和游乐场景等 ,以梁孝王游猎为主线 ,以子虚乌有对答的形式展开 ,虽与《天子游猎赋》的行文形式差不多 。
The Zixu compose,which is now missing, is the first works of Sima Xiang-ru. On the basis of a careful investigation of documents and files , the paper holds that Zixu compose was composed to admonish King Liangxiao for his extravagancy and merry-making. The Zixu compose has drawn its material from scenery in Liang, describing the king's extravagancy and merry-making, has unfolded with the questions and answers between Zixu and Wuyou . The style of writing of it is similar to that of compose on the Emperor's Hunting but the content is totally different.
Zixu compose
extravagancy and merry-making