精细可伸缩性视频编码FGS(FineGranularScalable)是MPEG - 4标准的视频化框架中的关键性的编码技术。FGS编码方法生成两个视频流 :基本层码流和增强层码流。基本层码流是必须传输的 ,并且码率低 ;增强层码流则根据带宽的实际情况来决定传多少 ,甚至不传 。
Fine Granularity Scalability(FGS) video coding is a key technique in MPEG-4 streaming video profile.The method of FGS video coding results in two types of video streaming:base layer bitstream and enhancement layer bitstream.The former has a lower code stream and it must be transmitted.The transmission of the latter can be based on the condition of the net bandwidth.This scalable coding and transmitting method lead to a better robustness of video stream.
Computer & Digital Engineering