
基于Delaunay三角形网格的RoboCup路径规划算法研究 被引量:2

Research of RoboCup Path Planning Algorithm Based on Delaunay Triangulation
摘要 论述了足球机器人RoboCup小型组机器人的路径规划算法,应用Delaunay 三角形网格进行路径规划,在此基础上综合了RoboCup动作控制算法,提出了用关键点及其姿态简化对路径的优化思想,并直接对速度进行控制的方法。通过上海大学自行研制的RoboCup小型组仿真平台对该算法进行验证,仿真结果表明:采用该算法能使足球机器人简单有效地得到避障优化路径,并保持有利的姿态。 In this paper, a path planning algorithm of RoboCup Small-Size is introduced. Delaunay Triangulation that is combined with behavior control algorithm has been applied. An optimized algorithm has been simplified to implement velocity control with key point configuration. This algorithm has been tested by RoboCup Simulator that was developed by Shanghai University and vehicle-like robots are able to find satisfactory path and possess good orientation at the same time.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 2004年第6期1158-1161,共4页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 上海市市属博士学科点建设基金(沪学位办[2001]35)
关键词 足球机器人 路径规划 Delaunav三角形网格 仿真平台 RoboCup path planning delaunay triangulation simulator
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