介绍了巷道火灾试验系统的构成 ,测定燃烧区膨胀热阻时测点位置的确定方法 ,火灾时期烟气温度、壁温及岩体温度、烟流中 CO2及 O2 体积分数、沿程压力和风速等的测试方法及测试仪表精度 ,系统抗干扰方法 ,数据采集和处理软件的功能以及测试系统的调试方法。系统采用无补偿导线经济地解决了巷道燃烧区测温热电偶冷端温度补偿的方法 ,使测温系统误差由过去的 10 %左右下降到 3 %。
This paper is aimed at introducing methods for determining the positions of the points and controlling the system errors for measuring swelling resistance in burning zone of tunnel fire. In so doing, the authors first of all introduced the construction of the fire-testing tunnel system, a largest full-scale fire test tunnel in the Asia established in 1980s' as a result of the Chinese and Japanese experts' collaboration. As a matter of fact, the system has been ameliorated with the development of computer and electronic technology to satisfy the need of studying the tunnel fire accidents in accordance with the national key items to be tackled during the ninth five-year plan period. The methods have improved its precision for measurement of the smoke, wall face and peripheral rock temperature, the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in smoke flow, the pressure as well as the velocity along the stream line given during the tunnel fire. Since the method has adopted a non-compensating conductor for controlling the error at the cold end of thermocouple, it has made it possible to reduce the system error from 10% to about 3%. The system has also adopted an anti-jamming method with the data acquisition, data-processing software and the debug method. Therefore, the system has been proved by many times of fire testing that the full-scale testing system is fitted for demonstrating the evolution of fire taking place in mining tunnels, railway, light railway, as well as highway tunnels, and so is for other underground constructions with similar functions.
Journal of Safety and Environment
safety engineering
tunnel fire
constitutes of system
test methods
survey meters and precision
processing data