
德国垃圾卫生填埋场建设和运行中的环境安全措施 被引量:1

Environmental security conditions of sanitary landfills for municipal soilid waste in Germany
摘要 卫生填埋是处理城市垃圾和各种危险固体废物的主要方式。垃圾填埋场在接纳了大量垃圾的同时容易引起填埋气体爆炸、有毒有害物质向环境泄漏和填埋场使用年限缩短等环境安全问题。完善的填埋法律法规体系、科学的填埋场建设和运行管理是保证卫生填埋环境安全的核心。德国垃圾填埋处理有很长的历史,技术和管理都比较成熟。介绍了德国垃圾填埋处理的法律法规体系、主要技术指标以及填埋场日常运行系统,为我国垃圾的卫生填埋场建设和运行管理提供参考。 Sanitary landfill was the main treatment method for municipal solid waste and many kinds of dangerous waste. The sanitary landfill sites are able to receive a great deal of waste. There would simultaneously be many problems, such as exploding of biogas, leaking of toxicant to outside environment and shortening utilization of the sites. The complete legal system of landfill, scientific construction and management were the most important part of the security of landfill site. The landfill of solid waste in Germany had been used for a long time and there were more advanced technology and management experience. Those legal system and technology and management experience of sanitary landfill sites in Germany introduced in this paper can serve the construction and management of the landfill in China.
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 2004年第B06期72-75,共4页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 国家863高技术资助项目(No 2001AA64402) 国家自然科学基金(70171055 50179011) 国家杰出青年科学基金(50225926) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20020532017) 2000年教育部高等学校优秀青年教师教学科研奖励计划资助项目资助
关键词 卫生填埋 环境安全 固体废物 sanitary landfill environmental security solid waste
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