针对电液位置伺服系统中存在参数的时变性、死区非线性等问题 ,设计了自调整模糊控制器。自调整模糊控制器可通过在线调整比例因子改善系统的动态响应性能。而采用变积分系数的方法 ,即保证了系统的快速性 。
Aiming at the problems such as time-variable parameters, nonlinear dead zone of the valve existing in the electro-hydraulic position servo control system,a self-tuning fuzzy controller is designed.The self-tuning fuzzy controller can on-line adjust the proportional coefficient andimprove the system′s dynamic response performance. When using variable integral coefficient,the system′s rapidity is ensured and adequate steady-state accuracy is offered.
Electrotechnical Journal