本文以模拟试验结果为基础,通过对数座不同埋深的集取河床渗透水渗渠的出水浊度与河水浊度进行的对比测定,表明天然过滤确有良好净化效果,并经分析得到了公式 S=0.07T/Z_0^(1.02)。从而解决了该类型渗渠的出水浊度预测问题,为在设计中对渗渠水是否需进一步净化及需设那些净化构筑物的判定提供了依据。
Based on the results of simulation experiments made for Several galleries buried in different depths to collect infiltration water from riverbed,it is discovered through contrasting the turbidities of infiltrated water versus the relevant raw water in the river,that the natural infiltration does have perfect purification effect.Furthermore a formula is derived as S= 0.07T/ Z_0^(1.02)which reflects the relationship between the infiltrated turbidity,river water turbidity and the buried depth of the gallery approximately.This formula can help engineers to predict the infiltrated turbidity and also provides a basis for design to determine if it is necessary to purify the infiltrated water and what kind of purification structures will to be built.
Water & Wastewater Engineering