
基于多主体的楼宇智能控制体系结构 被引量:3

A Multi-agent Based Intelligent Building Control Architecture
摘要 该文提出了一种基于多主体系统的楼宇智能控制体系结构。该体系结构以房间作为基本的逻辑控制单位,其中控制设备的互联基于BACnet协议,然后通过BACnet路由器路由到以太网;多主体系统驻留在以太网的工作站上,从结构上划分为网络层、中间件层、应用层、用户层,其中中间件层使上层的控制应用不依赖于底层语义;为支持系统的互操作性及与未来应用的兼容性,多主体系统基于FIPA标准参考模型实现。 This paper proposes a multi-agent based intelligent building control ar chitecture.The architecture regards room as a basic logic control unit.The con trol devices have been connected together based on BACnet protocol and routed to an ethernet via BACnet routers.The multi-agent system resides in the worksta tions on the ethernet as pure software.The MAS is structured into four layers :network layer,middleware layer,application layer and user layer,in which th e middleware layer ensures the independence of control application of higher lay er from the lower layer semantic.The MAS has been implemented based on FIPA ref erence model.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第19期203-205,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 图像信息处理与智能控制教育部重点实验室开放基金支持(编号:TKLJ0116)
关键词 MULTI-AGENT BACNET 楼宇自控 路由器 FIPA multi-agent ,BACnet,building automation,router,FIP A
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