开发基于硬件描述语言的 MP3解码器 ,首要的问题是要搭建一个能被很好地掌握控制的仿真平台。仿真平台包括仿真输入平台和仿真输出平台。在仿真输入平台中 ,构造了 2个模块 ,一个是用来存储 MP3音频文件的 ROM模块 ,另一个是控制器模块 ,其功能是把 RO M中的数据以串行数据流的方式送到解码器模块中去。其中 ,在构造 RO M模块时 ,采用了 IP
The most important thing of developing HDL MP3 decoder is to build a test bench ,which can be well controlled. This test bench includes input bench and output bench. There are two modules in the input bench. One is a ROM, in which is the MP3 file. The other is a controller, which can put the MP3 data, which is in the ROM, into MP3 decoder module. And when building the ROM module, reuse a ROM IP Core.
Modern Electronics Technique