A trial of a rock bolt-plastic mesh support menthod for roadway in edge seam with a dip angle of 55° was conducted in Weizigou Mine of Nanpiao Coal Mine Administration. This trial was a joint cooperation between Beijing Research Institute of Mine Construction of CCMRI and Nanpiao Coal Mine Administration. This method has sucessfully solved the problems of high timber consumption, high cost, high physical labour occured in seam roadway construction under the same conditions in the same mine. This method also has increased the working efficiency and construction speed. In comparison with the conventional support method, the rocke bolt-plastic mesh support menthod can save 60% of the timber than the conventional method. The cost can reduce 20% and the available cross-section rate of a roadway can be upto 90%. This paper outlines the conditions of the trail roadway, construction method, operations, results and analyses of the mine pressure measurements, and obtained ecoonmic results.
Coal Science and Technology