The fast development of tourism brings the world many new environmental challenges. In 1960s', foreign researchers began to notice the problems created by the scale of tourists and the intensity of tourist activities. Some of them believed that the negative impact of tourism on environment can be reduced through limiting the number of tourists. Therefore, the concept of 'Tourism Environmental Carrying Capacity (TECC)' was led into use in tourism studies. However, from late 1970s', the application of tourism carrying capacity methods in practice met some insoluble difficulties, and the concept itself faded out gradually from the main stream of tourism research. Contrary to its initial focus on the critical number of visitors that may destroy the resource quality and visitor experience, the concept of TECC shifted gradually from a theoretical framework into a series of widely used managerial tools in recreational resource management, including the Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) and the Visitor Experience & Resource Protection (VERP). However, with the tourism development after 1978, some researchers in China mainland introduced the methods of TECC in environmental management of tourism, and what is more, after twenties years of application, the Code for Scenic Area Planning (1999) makes the measure of TECC as a required part of any eligible plan. A few domestic researchers attempted to reconstruct the conceptual system of TECC but not to deny its application. Tourism Environmental Bearing Capacity (TEBC) is such a concept. Because of its incapability in proving its rudimentary difference in conceptual system from TECC, TEBC can't ensure its reliability in quantitative studies. In other words, TEBC contributes little to the relative research fields. Its conceptual structure and theoretical meaning haven't been shown yet, and its practical value needs further investigation.
Resources Science
Tourism Environmental Carrying Capacity (TECC)
Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC)
Visitor Experience & Resource Protection (VERP)
Tourism Environmental Bearing Capacity (TEBC)