
沙美特罗替卡松粉吸入剂治疗儿童哮喘243例 被引量:4

Salmeterol xinafoate and fluticasone propionate powder inhalation for treatment of asthma in 243 children
摘要 目的 :观察沙美特罗替卡松粉吸入剂治疗儿童哮喘前后的肺功能、临床疗效与不良反应。方法 :2 4 3例中、重度哮喘病儿给予沙美特罗替卡松粉(5 0 / 10 0 μg)吸入剂治疗 ,每次 1吸 ,早、晚各 1次 ,共 3mo ,同时进行用药前后第 1秒时间肺活量(FEV1)、最大呼气峰流速 (PEF)、PEF变异率 ,日间、夜间症状评分等动态监测。结果 :治疗前后FEV1,PEF ,PEF变异率 ,日间、夜间症状评分分别为 (1.1±s 0 .6 )L ,(2 .5± 0 .9)L·s- 1,(2 7± 5 ) % ,(3.4± 0 .7) ,(3.2± 0 .7)分和 (1.5± 0 .5 )L ,(3.9±1.2 )L·s- 1,(7± 3) % ,(0 .5± 0 .3) ,(0 .4± 0 .4 )分 ,差异有非常显著意义 (均P <0 .0 1) ,有效率达98.4 % ,未发现明显不良反应。结论 :沙美特罗替卡松粉吸入剂能显著改善哮喘病儿肺功能和明显缓解临床症状 ,临床应用安全。 AIM: To observe the clinical effects,lung function,and adverse reactions of salmeterol xinafoate and fluticasone propionate powder inhalation for the treatment of children asthma. METHODS: Two hundred and forty-three children with moderate to severe persistent asthma were treated with salmeterol xinafoate and fluticasone propionate powder inhalation 50/100 μg,bid for 3 mo. MasterScope children's spirometry was use for lung function assessment of children with asthma pre or post-treatment. Moreover,score of inter-day and inter-night symptoms,morning and night peak expiratory flow (PEF) were monitored. RESULTS: Every parameter including FEV_1,PEF,PEF variability,score of inter-day and inter-night symptoms of children with asthma before and after treatment were (1.1± s 0.6)L,(2.5±0.9)L·s -1 ,(27±5) %,( 3.4± 0.7),(3.2±0.7) score,and(1.5±0.5)L,(3.9±1.2)L·s -1 ,(7±3) %,(0.5±0.3),(0.4± 0.4) score,respectively. In comparison with pre-treatment,all parameters after-treatment improved significantly by salmeterol xinafoate and fluticasone propionate powder inhalation( P <0.01). The effective rate was 98.4 %. No adverse reaction was found. CONCLUSION:Salmeterol xinafoate and fluticasone propionate powder inhalation can significantly improve lung function and clinical symptom of children with asthma. It can be safely applied.
出处 《中国新药与临床杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第8期531-534,共4页 Chinese Journal of New Drugs and Clinical Remedies
关键词 儿童 哮喘 投药 吸入 呼吸功能试验 沙美特罗 氟替卡松 child asthma administration,inhalation respiratory function test salmeterol fluticasone
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