

Study of Differential Power Analysis on the Cryptographic Algorithm in Smartcards
摘要 DPA是最近几年新发现的一种智能卡攻击方法 ,与以往方法不同 ,它将加密过程中电路能量消耗与操作数关联 ,用统计方法来获取密钥信息 ,危害极大。首先分析了DPA对智能卡常用加密算法的攻击过程 ,对其原理、步骤、特征和实现进行了深入的剖析 ;并对AES候选算法的DPA攻击进行了探讨 ,推论得出 ,新一代分组加密算法也无法抵御DPA攻击。 DPA is a new kind of attack to smartcards in recent years.Different from old methods,it correlates the power consumption in circuits to operand and applies statistics to derive information about key,so it is dangerous. The DPA attack to the usual cryptographic algorithm used in smartcards is analyzed in depth,including its principle,steps,character and realization.The DPA attack to the AES candidate algorithms is discussed,and the conclusion is that the new generation block cipher (can't) resist DPA attack,too.At last,some countermeasures to DPA are given.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第8期83-86,共4页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金重大项目资助 (90 10 4 0 33)
关键词 DPA DES AES 智能卡 DPA DES AES Smartcard
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