目的 探讨“W”型异体阔筋膜额肌悬吊术治疗重度上睑下垂的效果。方法 对 5 8例 ( 69眼 )上睑提肌力量小于4mm的重度上睑下垂施行“W”型异体阔筋膜额肌悬吊术治疗 ,随访半年至 5年 ,观察其效果。结果 最后随访 ,Ⅰ级效果 5 8眼 ,Ⅱ级效果 10眼 ,Ⅲ级效果 1眼 ,术后无任何并发症发生。结论 “W”型异体阔筋膜额肌悬吊术创伤小、疗效好、并发症少 ,是目前治疗重度上睑下垂的较理想术式之一。
Objective Discuss the therapeutic effect of frontal muscle suspension with “W' form allogeneic femoral fascia for severe ptosis.Methods We have treated 58 patients(69 eyes) of severe ptosis with allogeneic femoral fascia suspension,we have followed up for half to 5 years and observed its therapeutic effect.Results The effect is that grade Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ was 58,10,1 eyes resectively,there are no complication in all the patients.Conclusion Frontal muscle suspension with “W' form allogeneic femoral fascia causes less injury and complication,the effect is excellent,this is a good technique for severe ptosis.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries