目的 总结 5 6例急性心肌梗死患者急诊介入治疗的术中配合及术后护理经验。方法 术中做好抢救设备、药品及人员的准备 ,加强心理护理及病情观察 ;术后严密观察病情 ,早期发现并处理严重并发症 ,做好抗凝治疗、穿刺局部等护理。结果 2 1例在术中术后发现有严重并发症经及时配合抢救而转危为安 ,经加强术后护理后 5 5例恢复良好出院。结论 备齐抢救设备及药品 ,配备充足的医护人员 ;术中严密监测 ,做好心理护理 ,维持血流动力学相对稳定 ;术后密切观察 ,尽早发现并及时处理并发症 。
Objective To discuss of cooperation and nursing experience during emergency interventional therapy for 56 AMI patients.Methods We prepared rescue equipment,drugs and people well,reinforce psychological nursing and observation of patients in operation.Patients were observed carefully after operation,discover and manage severe complications early,improved nursing of anticoagulant therapy,local puncture.Results After careful observation and management,21 of 56 cases with severe complications were saved,55 patients recovered and went out of hospitals.Conclusion The key point to improve rescue of patients with emergency interventional therapy is to prepare rescue equipment,drugs and people well,observe patients carefully in operaton,reinforce psychological nursing,keep homodynamic stable,observe patients after operation carefully,discover early and manage severe complications in time,improve nursing of anticoagulant therapy,etc.
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy