课题组率先对瘀血舌开展了由文献整理到现代机理、临床病证方药 ,多途径、多指标、多层次的全方位研究。在文献研究中 ,对瘀血舌的古今文献进行了大规模的整理工作 ,包括近 10 0 0种古籍和近 19年数据库文献 ,发掘整理出了瘀血舌所涉及的病因病机、舌症、病证、方药、医案。目的 :通过文献发掘 ,整理出瘀血舌所涉及的病因病机、舌症、病证、方药、医案。方法 :手工查阅与计算机检索相结合。结果与结论 :瘀血舌所涉及的病因病机有寒、热 (暑 )、湿等 2 6个方面 ;舌部舌色改变包括青、紫、黑等 ;舌形改变包括老、瘀点、瘀斑等 ;舌态改变包括强硬、痿软、短缩 ;舌苔改变包括厚、剥、腻等 ;舌下脉形色异常 ;涉及中医疾病 5 2种 ,现代医学疾病 198种 ;涉及证型 2 9种 ;涉及治法有攻下逐瘀、凉血化瘀等 2 6种 ;涉及治疗方剂有抵当汤、桃仁承气汤等 69首 ;涉及治疗药物有桃仁、大黄等 67味 ;病案有 66个。
Objective:To reorganize the etiological factors and pathogenesis,signs,diseases,syndromes,therapeutic methods(TCM),prescriptions,Chinese drugs,cases relating to the tongue of blood stasis(TBS).Methods:Computer literature retrieval and manual collection was adopted.Results and Conclusion:1.There are 26 kinds of etiological factors & pathogenesis(TCM),which can cause TBS,such as pathogenic cold,pathogenic heat,etc.2.The colors of TBS include bluish,purple,black,etc.The shapes of TBS include rough and aged tougue body,stasis petechia on the tongue,etc.The states of TBS include stiff tongue,flaccid tongue and shortened tongue.The tongue coatings of TBS include thick fur,exfoliative fur,etc.The sublingual collaterals of TBS are also abnormal.3.TBS is seen often in 52 kinds of diseases(TCM) such as retention of dead fetus,blood accumulation syndrome,etc.TBS is also seen often in 198 kinds of the diseases in modern medicine such as coronary disease,liver cirrhosis,etc.4.TBS is seen often in 29 kinds of syndromes such as pathogenic heat accumulatated in blood system,etc.5.There are 26 kinds of the therapeutic methods(TCM) for treating TBS such as eliminating extravasated blood by catharsis,etc.6.There are 69 prescriptions for treating TBS such as didang decoction,taohe chengqi decoction,etc.7.There are 67 Chinese drugs for treating TBS.8.There are 66 cases relating to TBS.
Study Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
the tongue of blood stasis
literature reorganization