研究了分布对象技术在地理信息系统 (GIS)中的应用 ;分析了基于服务器的WebGIS和基于客户机的WebGIS的特点 ,比较了其优缺点 ;设计并实现了一个基于COM /DCOM组件的We bGIS应用系统 ,通过分别运行于服务器端和客户端的COM /DCOM组件 ,合理分布GIS的计算任务 ,构建了一种高效的Web平台分布式GIS应用模式 ,并在公安刑侦信息系统中实现。
This paper studies the distributed object technology's application in WebGIS. Characteristics of WebGIS based server and client are analysed, and their advantages and disadvantages are compared. A WebGIS application system based on COM / DCOM components is designed and implemented. By the method of running COM / DCOM components both in server and client terminal, and distributing the data processing tasks of GIS properly. An efficient distributed GIS application pattern based on Web platform is established and implemented in the public safty information system.
Electronic Engineer