
臭氧老化对SY-1硅橡胶色彩稳定性的影响 被引量:6

Effects of ozone aging on the color stability of SY-1 silicone elastomer
摘要 目的 :了解臭氧老化对内着色SY 1硅橡胶色彩稳定性的影响 ,以便为选用适宜的硅橡胶着色颜料提供理论依据。方法 :SY 1硅橡胶按所加色料不同分为 4组 (对照组、水粉颜料土黄色、油画颜料土黄色、无机盐类颜料中铬黄 ) ,按国家标准对其进行臭氧老化并测定老化前后L 、a 、b 值 ,据此计算△E值。结果 :经臭氧老化 72h ,对照组△E为 0 .5 5± 0 .11;水粉土黄组△E为 3 .5 5± 0 .0 9;油画土黄组△E为 1.40± 0 .11;中铬黄组△E为 1.5 7± 0 .0 7。结论 :SY 1硅橡胶在臭氧老化条件下 ,油画类颜料与无机盐类颜料色彩稳定性优于水粉颜料。 Objective:To study the effects of ozone aging on the color stability of the SY-1 silicone elastomer. Methods :40 SY-1 silicone elastomer samples were prepared and grouped into 4 with 10 in each group. The samples in each group were painted with gouache color, oil pigment and inorganic salt respectively, one group was used as the control. Then the samples were treated with φ=10 -4 % ozone at 10~16 mm/s for 72 h. The color of the samples were measured by 1976 CIE L *a *b * standards of chromatic aberration before and after ozone treatment. The chromatic aberration was expressed as △E=〔△L *)2+(△a *)2+(△b *)2〕 1/2. Results :After 72 hours of ozone aging, △E of the samples in the groups of control, gouache color, oil pigment and inorganic salt was 0.55±0.11, 3.55 ± 0.09, 1.40 ± 0.11 and 1.57 ± 0.07 respectively ;Conclusion:Under the ozone aging condition, the SY-1 silicone elastomers stained with oil pigment and inorganic salt may have better color stability than that with gouache color.
出处 《实用口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期411-414,共4页 Journal of Practical Stomatology
基金 江苏省级重点实验室开放课题资助 编号K2 0 1 4
关键词 臭氧老化 SY-1硅橡胶 色彩稳定性 油画类颜料 无机盐类颜料 Silicone elastomers Ozone Aging Color stability
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