目的 :介绍MTA在根尖成形中操作方法及其特点。方法 :选取来我院就诊根尖未闭合、牙髓坏死的年轻恒牙 ,用MTA对其根尖部进行填塞 ,余留空间用牙胶充填。结果 :所有病例在 6月后复诊时 ,无不良症状 ,X片示根尖部喇叭口闭合 ,阴影消失。结论 :MTA在根尖成形方面 ,具有操作方便 ,疗效确切的优点。
Objective:To describe the procedures for management of the non-vital teeth with open apices using mineral trioxide aggregate(MTA). Methods:Six non-vital teeth with open apices in 6 patients aged 10~20 years old were treated with MTA. After a rubber dam was applied, a large access was made for debridement of the canal. Calcium hydroxide paste was placed in the canal for 1 week for disinfection. After the calcium hydroxide was rinsed from the canal at the subsequent appointment, a mixture of MTA powder with sterile water was carried into the canal with an amalgam carrier. The mix was condensed to the apical extent using pluggers to create a 3-4 mm apical plug. To ensure proper setting of MTA, a moist cotton pellet was placed in the canal over the material and the tooth was temporized, The remainder of the canal was obturated with gutta-percha and sealer or bonded composite resin was placed in the access cavity at next visit. Results:The patients had no abnormal symptoms and signs after apical plug. Radiograph demonstrated all open apices healing 6 months after obturation. Conclusion:MTA is effective and convenient in the management of non-vital teeth with open apices.
Journal of Practical Stomatology