目的 :观察脂质体阿霉素对大鼠三叉神经形态与功能的影响。方法 :3 3g/L脂质体阿霉素直接注射于大鼠一侧眶下神经束 ,对侧以生理盐水对照。神经电生理检查给药后大鼠的二腹肌肌电的变化 ,光镜下观察实验侧三叉神经节细胞的形态学变化 ,透射电镜观察三叉神经节细胞的超微形态结构变化。结果 :神经电生理结果显示动物对针刺反应不敏感 ,并显示不同时间左右两侧潜伏期 (ms)及痛阈 (mA)的变化都有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;实验侧光镜下可见大量细胞皱缩 ,形态不规则 ,细胞周围出现空隙 ;电镜下可见胞质中出现不规则的电子致密物质 ,线粒体、高尔基体、粗面内质网、核膜、有髓神经纤维髓鞘和无髓神经纤维病理性改变。结论 :脂质体阿霉素注入神经干后 ,可以选择性破坏相应的节细胞 ,引起神经功能上的变化。
Objective: To observe the effects of liposome adriamycin on the morphology and function of trigeminal nerve in rats. Methods:0.1 ml of 3.3 g/L liposome-adriamycin(Lipo-ADM) was injected into the infraorbital branch of the left trigeminal nerve in rats. Saline was injected into the contralateral nerves as the controls. The physiological electricity of the digastric muscle and the morphology of trigeminal gangliocytes were observed by electromyogram, light and electron microscope 3 d-8 weeks after injection. Results:The pain threshold and latent period of jaw-open-reflex were increased in the Lipo-ADM injected nerves until 8th week after operation(P<0.05). Atrophy of trigeminal gangliocytes, such as swelling of mitochondrion, expanding of rough endoplasmic reticulum, distruction of nuclear membrane, pathological myelinated nerve fiber and unmyelinated nerve fiber were observed. Conclusion:Lipo-ADM injection into infraorbital nerve can destroy corresponding ganglion cells and cause functional change.
Journal of Practical Stomatology