将和面仪曲线设置为和面时间、峰高、7min尾高、7min带宽和衰落角等指标 ,研究它们同面粉的蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、SDS沉降值、溶涨值、Pelshenke值和高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基评分等重要理化性状、以及同粉质仪曲线的吸水率、形成时间、稳定时间、软化度和评价值等性状做相关水平的分析 ,结果表明它们之间存在着显著或极显著的相关性。在三类品质类型面粉的和面仪曲线和粉质仪曲线的比较中 ,也反映出两者多项指标间的一致性。因而表明 ,同粉质仪一样 ,和面仪在面团流变学特性研究中具有重要的作用。和面仪参数的设置将更方便在育种。
Mixogram is divided into five indexes i.e. mixogram peak time (MPT), mixogram peak height (MPH), mixogram height at the seventh minute (MHSM), mixogram width at the seventh minute (MWSM) and mixogram peak fall of angle (MPFA). The relation of these indexes to the traits of proptein content, wet gluten content, SDS sedimentation, swelling test value, Pelshenke test value, value of HMW- subunits of glutenin, farinogram absorption, farinogram development time, farinogram stability, farinogram flexible value, and farinogram valorimeter value. The results indicate that there are significant and highly significant correlations among these traits. By comparison between the mixogram and farinogram of three types of flour, many indexes of the two charts show their consistency. So in the study of flour rheology, a mixograph may play the same roll as a farinogrph. And by setting five indexes it is more expedient to use the mixograph in the fields of breeding, grain and food, and for the expression of the characteristics of dough rheology.
Cereal & Feed Industry
天津科技大学引进人才基金资助 (项目编号 :10 0 0 17)