1Michael Adams . The Conflicts of Jurisdictions - An Economic Analysis of Pre - trial Discovery, Fact Gathering and Cost Shifting Rules in the United States and Germany, European Review of Private Law 3, p53 -93, Kluwer Law International, 1995.
3Andrew West, Yvon Desdvises, Alain Fenet, Dominique Gautier, Marie- Clet Heussaff, The French Legal System , Fourmat Publishing, 1992 ,p292.
4Andrew West, Yvon Desdvises, Alain Fenet, Dominique Gautier, Marie- Clet Heussaff, The French Legal System , Fourmat Puhlishing, 1992 ,p292.
5John Sopinka, Mark A. Gelowitz, The Conduct of an Appeal ,Butterworths Canada Etd, 1993, p55,p56.p57. p58 - 59.59.