印度成为WTO创始成员国后 ,把农业已纳入了全球化的发展潮流 ,面对WTO对农业的挑战和机遇 ,坚定农业全球化、自由化的发展道路 ,决不损害农业利益 ,不必降低对农业及相关领域的补贴 ,有弹性地执行知识产权协议。在坚持自力更生的前提下 ,采取切实可行的战略对策 ,充分利用WTO提供的良好发展机遇 ,在决策和行动时 ,始终坚持一个基本原则 ,决不能为了农业的出口而降低普通民众的生活水平 。
Since she was admitted into WTO, India has brought her agriculture into the development trend of globalization,and firmly taken the road of agricultural globalization and liberalization in face with both challenges and chances brought by her admission into WTO while never doing anything harmful to own agriculture and never reducing subsidies to agriculture and the related areas. Furthermore, she has implemented the 《Intellectual Property Rights Agreement》 with certain flexibility,and taken feasible and applicable strategic counter-measures to make full use of good opportunities provided by WTO while insisting on the policy of self-reliance and self-sufficiency of food, and insisting on the principle that interests of the public should not be sacrificed for the sake of increasing export.$$$$
South Asian Studies Quarterly