克林顿政府对印度的态度由冷到热 ,实施讲求实用的政策 :在经济方面一贯重视发展与印的双边贸易 ,打开印度市场 ,但在核问题、军事合作及克什米尔问题上 ,则实施一些具有矛盾性的政策。这些对印政策都为维护和实现美国的经济、安全和地缘政治利益服务。
In general, there was a gradual change from indifferent attitude towards warm one in Clinton Administration's policy towards India and the Administration adopted a pragmatic Indian policy. In order to meet and ensure economic, security and geo-political interests, the Administration always paid attention to development of U.S.-Indian bilateral trade and opening of the Indian market in the economic field while taking certain contradictory policies on the issues of nuclear non-proliferation, U.S.-Indian military cooperation and Indo-Pakistani Kashmir disputes.
South Asian Studies Quarterly