

Measurement of biomechanical properties of engineered tissues implanted in animals
摘要 工程化组织逐渐成为修复病损组织最具挑战性的新型替代材料。这种材料具有生命活性,植入体内后被降解吸收的同时,可再生组织,从而修复组织缺损,达到牢固的自体组织愈合并重建功能。在研究工程化组织植入体内愈合的过程中,检测植入的工程化组织的生物力学特性是考察其愈合和修复效果的重要方面。本文介绍了工程化组织植入动物体内生物力学检测的样本制备及保存、基本试验方法、近似试验方法和有关对实验结果的影响因素,为工程化组织的体内检测提供重要参考。 Engineered tissues become gradually the more and more exciting substitutes for tissue defects. With the active and degradable features,engineered tissues can induce tissue to regenerate and reconstruct the function of tissue. It is important to examine the biomechanical properties of engineered tissues post surgery. The aim of this paper is to introduce some practical methods for testing and calculating the biomechanical properties of engineered tissues and some factors affecting the determination of the properties so as to direct the biomechanical test of engineered tissues.
出处 《国外医学(生物医学工程分册)》 2004年第4期206-210,214,共6页 Foreign Medical Sciences(Biomedical Engineering Fascicle)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30070199) 四川省青年科技基金资助项目(2001-19-0132)
关键词 工程化组织 植入 生物力学特性 Engineered tissue implantation biomechanical properties
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