

Application and development of the microelectrode technology in Alzheimer's disease
摘要 在神经元(群)水平上用微电极技术研究老年痴呆症(Alzheimer'sdisease熏AD)的发病机制和治疗手段是现代神经病学的研究前沿,本文通过几个典型例子:应用电压钳技术证实β淀粉样肽增加导致AD认知功能障碍:通过海马细胞内放电来研究毒蕈碱兴奋剂CI鄄1017提高AD患者认知功能的效能;应用微电极刺激海马CA1区来研究多肽神经毒改善AD患者的学习记忆功能;用微电极刺激迷走神经研究治疗AD的机制和效果。介绍了微电极技术在AD研究中的应用和发展。 To research the mechanism and therapy of the Alzheimer's disease(AD) by microelectrode technology on the neuro level is ahead of modem neurology. This paper introduces application and department of the microelectrode technology in Alzheimer's disease by such examples as follows: clarify that increased β-amyloid peptide could result in the cognitive disfuntion of Alzheimer's disease by using two-electrode voltage clamp recordings; by recording and analyzing the spiking in hippocampal cells,research CI-1017,M1 Muscarinic agonist,would improve the cognitive disfunction of AD patients; analyse how apamin improve learning and memory retention of AD patients by stimulating hippocampal CA1 neuro popular with microelectrode and directly treat AD patients by vagus nerve stimulation.
作者 韩丽英 田心
出处 《国外医学(生物医学工程分册)》 2004年第4期215-218,共4页 Foreign Medical Sciences(Biomedical Engineering Fascicle)
基金 天津市自然科学基金资助项目(0236139111)
关键词 老年痴呆症 发病机制 治疗 微电极技术 Alzheimer's disease (AD) mechanism therapy microelectrode techmology
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