
霍金与彭罗斯关于时间箭头的哲学争论 被引量:3

Philosophical Debates on Time-arrow between S.W. Hawking and Penrose
摘要 热力学时间箭头与统计力学、宇宙论中的时间箭头有着深刻的关联 ,归根到底是初态和终态的内在不对称。霍金与彭罗斯在时间箭头上的争论 ,来自于对薛定谔方程可逆性的误解 ,引力势在初态与终态的不对称性 ,是导致量子宇宙论中时间不对称性的根源。普里高津的微观不可逆理论在量子测量问题上的应用 。 The thermodynamics time-arrow has a cosmological root. S.W. Hawking tries to infers the cosmological time-arrow from the n-boundary condition through the study of quantum gravity theory, whereas Penrose believes that a more fundamental theory is essential to understand the Weyl curvature hypothesis. But we think that the Weyl curvature hypothesis represents different stabilities of gravity potential energy in the initial singularity and the final singularity. Most physicists including Penrose and Hawking believe mistakenly that the Schrodinger equation is symmetry in the past and the future, so they think that there exists a so-called reversibility problem in quantum theory. In fact, the Schrodinger equation can be written in stationary forms only when potential energy is a conservative potential, and the probability of a quantum process is the same as the probability of its reversal process so that quantum process is time reversal symmetry. In more general conditions, the probability in a quantum process is not equal to the probability in its reversal process, and quantum process is irreversible so that the Schrodinger equation isn't time reversal symmetry in these conditions. I discover the fact after analyzing the irreversibility of U process in quantum theory : if the outer potential in the Schrodinger equation is a nonconservative potential on condition of CPT symmetry, U process in the past and the future will give different probability ranges so as to lead the irreversibility of R process. Hawking incorrectly believes that CPT symmetry leads naturally to the time reversal symmetry of quantum processes especially quantum gravity processes, and that the irreversibility of quantum measurements stems from the information incompleteness about thermodynamics, black hole and the universe event horizon. However, matter or radiations are absorbed or emitted in different probabilities in different gravity fields, especially near different black hole. But these facts that matters or radiations are absorbed or emitted in different probabilities and the irreversibility of R process in a quantum measurement are not similar to that Penrose conceives to require microcosmic physical laws (especially the correct quantum gravity theory in future that Penrose conceives) to violate CPT symmetry, only to require a sort of non-conservative potential lead to that quantum process, have different probabilities in the past and the future. Davies thinks that general relativity has an inherent time asymmetry, and this viewpoint is close to that of Penrose. But what is different from Penrose is that Davies denies the final singularities of universe are like black hole singularities. If the universe re-contracts , the final singular state is by no means chaotic or 'random' but highly structured (lumpy). The true meaning of the second law of thermodynamics is that the initial-boundary condition to cause the time reversal of an irreversible process is forbidden strictly by nature, this initial-boundary condition is neither appearance in nature nor made in our experiments. If we understand Penrose's Weyl curvature hypothesis by means of this viewpoint, the Weyl curvature hypothesis refers to that nature forbids a process from the final singularities of universe collapse and black holes to the initial singularity of big bang. I find that Prigogine's microcosmic irreversible process theory is in fact to extend the rule of initial-boundary conditions of non-existence advanced wave to the choice of initial-boundary conditions in phase spaces. In addition, various operators that Prigogine constructs are only suitable for unstable systems, which cause a dualism between reversible processes and irreversible processes. In fact, both reversible processes and irreversible processes have a same time-arrow only if there are interrelations. Penrose's so-called transition from the U process to the R process needs a processing relation mentioned by Prigogine, which refers to the transitions from the unitary groups to the nonunitary groups.
作者 吴新忠
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期89-97,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"物理学哲学研究"(OOBZX0 15 )
关键词 热力学 宇宙论 时间 thermodynamics cosmology time
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