

The Cards for Diagnosing Poultry Diseases
摘要 《禽病诊断彩色卡通》是为基层兽医和养成禽专业户研制的诊断禽病的工具,诊断的准确率达到80%T以上,相当于熟练兽医的水平。它的构造是:将常见的24种禽病名称印在一张卡片上,另有27张卡片分别代表27种不同的症状和病变,在每张卡片上对变于病名卡上病名位置打孔,将卡片与病名卡重叠时,通过卡片上的孔可见到病名。它的原理是“现象和本质”、“共性与个性”的辩证关系在禽病诊断上的应用。用症状或病变卡片找出不同疫病的共性,例如将“肠道病变”卡片和“病名卡”重叠后从孔中见到新城疫等9种有肠道病变的禽病。再用筛选的方法将共性转变为某一具体疫病的个性,例如再将“呼吸症状”、“胃病变”、“肠道病变”、“气囊病变”这三张卡片重叠到病名卡上,从孔中只见到新城疫,将没有这四种症状和病变的禽病筛选掉,从而达到诊断的目的。 Summary CDPD is a new type of tool used by basic-level veterinarians and poultry raisers to diagnose frequently encountered poultry diseases.Structure.There is a″Disease name″card(color fig.1)on which24disease names are written such as ND,infectious bronchitis,laryngotracheitis,avian encephalomyelitis,pox,infectious bursal disease,viral arthritis,Marek's disease,leucosis,duck plague,duck hepatitis,gosling plague,pullorum disease,fowl cholera,chronic respiratory dis-ease,colibacillosis,infectious coryza,aspergillosis,staphylococcosis,tu-berculosis,coccidiosis,histomoniasis,avitaminosis and intoxication.There are27cards represented different signs and lesions respectively(figure2to figure28).In each card,there are a number of rectan-gular holes punched at the corresponding locations to the name card on the basis of its sign or lesion.If superimposing a card on the name card one could see the diseases that have the sign or the lesion through the holes.Theory.Dialectics believes that″Essence decides phenomenon;phenomenon shows essence.″A disease can be diagnosed by observing the signs and lesions just like seeing through appearance to the essence.″Generality resides in particularity;particularity develops and enriches generality.″The target cells change with the change of the pathogens (particularity).The lesions of an organ can be caused by different pathogens (generality).It is the theory of diagnosing poultry diseases with CDPD to sift the particularities from the generalities.″Generality and particularity are dependent on and transform into each other.″For example,the signs of ND are gasping;loss of appetite;edema around the eyes and the head;nervous symptoms (twisting of the neck)et al.On autopsy,lesions are hemorrhages on the glandular surface of the proventriculus,in the intestine and in the cecal tonsils;a serous or catarrhal exudates in the nasal passages,larynx,and tra-chea;thickened membranes of one or more the air sacs;fluid yolk material in the abdominal cavity;spleen enlarged and so on.All the changes found in ND also occur in other diseases,and that some combinations of gross lesions encountered is more significant than in-dividual changes according to author's diagnosing experiences.This is especially true of the more severe forms of ND.The combinations of signs and lesions can be found by poultry raisers to use CDPD.Application.Diagnosing steps are as follows:1.Postmortem examination.2.Find out cards according to the signs and the lesions ob-served.3.Overlap the cards on the name card.For example,when superimposing″chicken diseases″card,″Respiratory signs″card,″Stom-ach lesions″card,″Intestine lesions″card and″Air sac lesions″card on″Disease name ″card one by one(color fig1-6),ND can be seen through the holes.That means only ND has above three lesions and a sign.That is the diagnosing result.Pathogenic microorganism must be isolated and identified for confirmed diagnosis of an infection.It is very important to diagnosing a new infection or a fulminating infective disease such as highly pathogenic avian influenza.But it is not necessary for diagnosing the common poultry diseases to do so.The diagnosing accuracy with CDPD is as high as more than80%.CDPD is also a study instrument.If wanting to know how many diseases have nervous sign,heart lesion and hemorrhage under skin,one only overlaps3cards of ″Lesions of the heart″,″Hemor-rhage under the skin or in the muscle and pericardium″,″Lesions of the heart and pericardium″on the″Disease name card″.ND,duck plague,intoxication seen through the holes are the answer.The combination of 3cards from23cards except the6cards of ″chicken diseases″,″duck diseases″,″goose diseases″,″caecum lesions″,″Bursa le-sions″,″neoplasm″is as many as C 233 =1771.The combination of 4from23is C 234 =8855....Anyone couldn't remember so many combi-nations related to the diseases though some combinations mightn't be met in diagnosis.It is very easy for beginner
作者 张学松
出处 《中国禽业导刊》 2003年第6期24-30,共7页 Guide To Chinese Poultry
关键词 禽病 诊断 病原微生物 靶细胞 病理变化 card,diagnose,poultry disease Abbreviation:CDPD=The Cards for Diagnosing Poultry Dis eases,ND=Newcastle disease
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