稻盛和夫以其经营哲学 ,创建了两个世界 5 0 0强企业。其奥秘在哪里 ?探究他辉煌的人生轨迹 ,根本原因在于他的辩证人生观。坚持用事物相互依存、相辅相成的原理 ,经营管理企业。当命运多舛时 ,立志图强 ,奋发进取 ;当身处逆境时 ,自信乐观、磨砺意志 ;当市场竞争时 ,维系和谐 ,利他经营 ;当功成名就时 ,追求卓越 ,自省自律。这就是他的“人生方程式”。本文通过对大量典型实例的剖析 。
Dr. Inamori successfully established two of world top 500 enterprises with his philosophy of management. Where is the secret? Probing into his brilliant life, we have found the basic reason lies in his dialectical philosophy of life--things are independent on, opposed yet complementary to each other. He manages and administers his enterprises by insisting on the philosophy. When suffering many a setback in his life, he rises himself and keeps forging ahead; when in adverse circumstances, he remains optimistic and confident to temper his will; when market competes intensely, he maintains harmony between enterprises and uses the operation of benefiting others; when becoming successful and famous, he pursues being outstanding and examines and disciplines himself. This is his life equation. The paper, through the analysis of a lot of typical examples, holds that Dr. Inamori's dialectical philosophy of life is the cornerstone of his philosophy of management.
Dr. Inamori, philosophy of management, dialectical philosophy of life.