广东地区开办图书馆专栏节目 ,有利于拓宽图书馆的服务面 ,开拓新的服务方式 ,开发潜在的信息需求 ,吸引注意力、扩大影响 ;可以充实电视文化底蕴 ,创新电视节目 ;可以使图书馆接受舆论监督 ,不断改进服务 ,完善功能。同时开办图书馆专栏节目 ,要遵循坚持社会效益第一的原则和创新原则 ,要遵循电视节目生命周期的规律 。
Holding a specialTV program for libraries in GuangDong will bepropitious to extend their serving scope, exploit new serving ways and means, open up potential information requirement, get people's attention and enlarge their infection; will be helpful to enrich TV culture, innovate TV program; will let the libraries accept the public voice, betterment their serving. On the other hand, holding a special TV program should keep to some principles, for example, community benefit should be the first; the program should be innovative. At the same time holding the special TV program should conform to the rule of TV program's lifecycle, and the librarians should be in cooperation with the TV program producers.
Research on Library Science