<abstract>5 cases of clmical patients, male 155,female 80, suffierlng from epistaxia were analyzed.48.43%Of the patients were aged over 40. As to the seasonal distribution of the cases of epistaxias, they were more conunonly seen in Jannary, Febmary and July. Little's area was most common site Of bleeding. 25. 4%Of the cases were with cardiovascular disorders, 20.1%with nasal tumours and 15. 1%nasoseptal diseases, 11. 1%Of the bleeding cause remained unknown. A number Of measures have been used to control bleeding. Freezing by Cryosurgery is a new Development. In severe cases blcod transfusion is also important. Application of arterial ligature has to be careful. The way of handle the nasal bleeding patients deserves further study.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News