198 5年以来 ,岫岩文物部门在配合旧城改造的文物考古勘探、试掘与发掘中 ,在岫岩镇内发现约 36万平方米的辽金居住址 ,文化层堆积多在 0 4~ 1 0米左右 ,内含丰富的辽金文化遗存。据析 ,该遗址当为辽代之大宁镇 ,金代之秀 (岫 )
In 1985,about 360 square kilometers living sites were found in Xiuyan town through an investigation and a preliminary excavation done for the old city rebuilding by the Xiuyan cultural administering office.The cultural layers,mostly depth from 0.4-1.0 meter,contained abundant cultural relics dated to Liao and Kin Dynasties.The site should be the Da Ning Town(大宁镇)of Liao Dynasty and the Xiuyan County(秀(岫)岩县) of Kin Dynasty.
Northern Cultural Relics