目的 建立小鼠背部变应性接触性皮炎 (allergiccontactdermatitis ,ACD)模型。方法 用二硝基氟苯 (dinitroflu orobenzene ,DNFB)分别建立小鼠背部及耳廓ACD模型 ,比较两种模型在不同时间点皮肤肿胀度及HE染色炎细胞数量变化情况。结果 ①背部ACD肿胀度大于耳廓ACD肿胀度 ,配对t检验 ,t =6 3 9,P <0 0 1,并且两种模型的肿胀度变化呈正相关。②背部ACD较耳廓ACD单一核细胞数量少 ,多形核细胞数量多 ,前者t=8 59,P <0 0 1,后者t=6 0 5,P <0 0 1;两模型的细胞数量变化呈正相关。结论 背部ACD模型可以代替耳廓ACD模型用于评价抗炎药物。背部模型肿胀度高 。
ObjectiveTo establish a model of allergic co ntact dermatitis (ACD) at mice' back. MethodsACD models at bot h mice' back and mice' ear were established respectively with dinitrofluorobenze ne (DNFB), and edema degree and histopathological alternation in each model were compared. Results①The edema of mice' back ACD appeared to be more than that of mice' ear ACD, by paired t-test, t =6 39, P <0 01, a nd a positive correlation on edema degree was shown. ②Quantity of mononuclear c ell in mice' ear ACD appeared to be more than that in mice' back ACD by histopat hological examination, the former t =8 59, P <0 01, the later t =6 0 5, P <0 01. ConclusionIt suggested that the model of mice' back ACD might replace the model of mice' ear ACD when assessing anti-inflamma tory drug due to its obvious feature of edema alteration.
China Occupational Medicine