贵州各地民间傩坛班常受人之请 ,举行各种傩祭仪式 ,于是坛班中流传着各种关于最高神灵傩公傩母的传说。这些传说大致可分为“洪水———兄妹婚型”和“放牛娃供人头型” ,前一类型又常与伏羲女娲神话相交叉。仪式中常有各种傩戏剧目的表演。傩祭仪式对民间文学的传承起着重要的作用。
Nuo play is associated with religion in Guizhou,especially with Nuo god and goddess.Legends in the performance are related to “deluge—the marriage of brother and sister”and“cattle herdsman—the making or deification of god”,the former typically going with the tales of Nuo god and goddess.Ceremonial performance in this sense is an inheritance of folk literature.