
岁月如歌——庆杨鸿年教授从教五十周年 被引量:4

A Musical Life: In Celebration of Prof. Yang Hongnian's 50^(th) Anniversary of His Career as Teacher
摘要 中国的合唱艺术从上世纪初开始到现在已有近百年的历史,其中也曾有过辉煌的时期,经过几代人的辛勤工作和耕耘,合唱艺术已深入人心并为广大人民群众所喜爱,尤其是近几年来,我国专业、业余合唱团体在国外各种类型的比赛不断获得奖牌甚至大奖,使世界合唱艺术界有了中国的一席之地,这一地位的取得是与我们国家合唱界老一辈指挥家的长期努力和工作分不开的,在众多的合唱指挥中,杨鸿年教授无疑是当今我国最出色的合唱指挥家之一。由杨教授亲自创立的中国交响乐团少年及女子合唱团,经过二十年风雨的磨练,现在已经成为世界一流的童声合唱团,他们的足迹遍及世界的各个地方,每到一地无不好评如潮。在国内,不管是哪个合唱团,演唱水平如何,只要经过杨老师的指导,都会不同程度地得到较大的提高。如新疆师范大学合唱团,开始起点并不高,但经过杨老师不到一年的训练,他们的演唱水平就有了很大的提高,并在杨老师的带领下,在意大利第三十八届“赛格希兹”国际合唱比赛中获得混声、男声、女声三个组的第一名。杨老师通过他一生不懈的努力,在合唱表演、指挥艺术以及合唱作品编配方面为我国的合唱艺术作出了极大的贡献,也因此而被世界各国的指挥家们推举为国际童声合唱及表演艺术协会副主席,被国际? Since early 20th century,choral music has been in existence in China for nearly a century,with some moments of brilliance. After generations of hard work and efforts,choral music has become so popular among the general public,and in recent years,Chinese choral ensembles, whether amateur or professional,frequently won prizes in various international competitions,making China an important role in the world chorus arena. These successes would be impossible without the continuous efforts made by those senior Chinese choral conductors,in particular, Prof. Yang Hongnian,who is no doubt one of the most outstanding choral conductors in China. The Boys and Girls Choir of the China National Symphony Orchestra,which was founded by Prof. Yang 20 years again, has been to many countries in the world and received high reputation for its performances, and now becomes a first-class children's choir in the whole world. Any choral ensemble in China,no hatter bow their level is,will achieve greater improvements as long as they have Prof. Yang's guidance. Taking the Xinjiang Normal University's choir as an example,it was an average chorus group,but after less than one year of training with Prof. Yang,their singing level has been raised tremendously,and eventually won the first place in the three categories of mixed voice,male voice and female voice at the 38 International Choral Competition'C. A. Seghizzi'in Italy. Due to his endless efforts,as well as great contribution to the choral music of China in terms of choral performing,choral conducting and choral composition, he was elected by conductors from all over the world to become Vice-President of the International Association of Children's Choir and Per-forming Arts,and is praised as'a maestro who truly commands the magic of choral art.'
作者 张彬
出处 《人民音乐(评论)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第8期4-7,共4页 Peoples Music
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