
主权话语与制度变迁:欧洲一体化背景下的英国宪法司法化 被引量:2

Judicialization of British Constitution in the Context of Eur opean Integration
摘要 近年来 ,英国宪法司法化趋势日趋明显 ,司法机关在国家权力机关间和国家与个人间的关系中发挥着越来越大的作用。在此过程中 ,欧洲一体化起到了催化作用。随着欧共体法纳入英国法律体系 ,欧共体法至上原则的确立使各行为体认识到议会主权的变革不仅是可能的 ,而且也是可行的 ,同时欧洲法院和英国法院可以借助欧共体 /欧盟的法律制度对议会立法行使事实上的司法审查职能。而《1 998年人权法》 ,进一步加强了这一趋势 ,使英国司法机关可以利用宪法手段对公民权利和自由提供更为积极的保护。因此 ,英国宪法司法化是一个内部和外部力量间相互作用的建构过程 ,它通过沟通。 In the passed few years, the judicialization of British constitution has become a trend that increases the importance of judiciary in the relationship among exe cutive, legislative and judiciary, as well as in the relationship between state and individuals. Along with the incorporation of the EC law into British legal system, the establishment of Community Supremacy has made various actors be awar e of the changes in parliamentary sovereignty. Moreover, by means of the EEC/EU legal system, the ECJ and British courts have obtained thede facto power of jud icial review on parliamentary legislations. And, this trend is further strengthe ned by the 1998 Human Rights Act that enables judges to provide more active prot ection for individual rights and freedom by a constitutional instrument.
作者 王展鹏
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第4期78-89,共12页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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