
政党·公民社会·国家——以瑞典政党模式为中心 被引量:1

A Case Study on Party Pattern in Sweden
摘要 瑞典政党模式是北欧五国中最为典型的“五党制模式”。其政党体制呈现出两种不同的政党组织文化 ,在组织模式上具有明显的二歧性。而瑞典社会民主党的“中间道路”实验正在于试图克服这种二歧性。然而 ,无论是瑞典国家财政对政党的补助金制度 ,还是社会民主党的长期在位 ,都在客观上促使各政党组织与国家之间日趋形成一种共生关系 :政党承担了国家的主要功能 ,代表群体性的社会利益和政治利益 ,从而为政治系统提供维持自身的正当性根基 ;作为交换 ,国家则为政党提供财政上的支持和法律保护。瑞典政党组织模式的变迁相当程度上在于响应国家的“号召” ,而非公民社会对政治参与的渴求 ,也非为了更好地发挥政党作为政治代表机制的传统功能。政党在组织上日益成为一种“准”国家机构。 The Swedish party system is the most typical “Five-Party pattern” among Nordic countries, and it has been characterized by its duality in organizational struc tures that the “middle-way” experimentation of the SAP intended to resolve. Th e basic principles of such experimentation are: high-level and universalistic so cial welfare; mixed economy; conflicts resolved by peaceful dialogues and solida rity among different classes and social groups; pragmatic governing strategy. Ho wever, both public subventions to party organizations and the SAP's prolonged pr edominance in Swedish polities give rise to the emergence of a symbiotic relatio nship between the political parties and the state. The changes in the Swedish pa rty organizations are to a large extent responding to the “calling” of the sta te rather than the participatory demands from civil society, or promoting the trad itional function of party system as political representation mechanism.
作者 任军锋
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第4期118-132,共15页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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