二战后以来 ,英国工党对其传统理论进行过两次大的修正 ,即所谓新旧修正主义 ,从而使工党右倾化 ,且其程度不断加深。新一轮修正主义不仅使工党放弃制度替代目标 ,在经济战略上也日益与新自由主义趋同。修正主义是工党实用主义的产物 ,工党希望通过对自身理论、纲领和政策的不断修正 ,以适应不断发展变化的现实需要 ,实现自身的政治目标。修正主义虽然使工党取得了一定成功 ,但它对左翼政治的稀释和淡化却会对工党的长期发展带来不利影响。
Since the end of the Second World War, British Labour Party has made two big rev isions over it traditional theories, which was so called the old and new revisio nism. The revisions resulted in the right-turning of the Labour, and the new one had gone even further than the old one. Labour not only abandons its aim of sys tem alternative, but also converges on economic strategy with neo-Liberalism. R evisionism is a product of Labour pragmatism, by which it intends to reform its theories and policies on the purpose of meeting the needs of lasting development . Although Labour have had some achievements by the revisions, its dilution of t he left-wing politics will have unfavorable influence over its future developmen t in the long run.
Chinese Journal of European Studies