战国策派 ,抗战语境中的文化流派。借助“历史形态学”提供的历史观和方法论 ,该派认为 ,西方文化的根本精神是以“地缘国家”为归属 ,“个性焕发”、“国命整合”为基本内容的民族主义。改造中国文化 ,就在于吸收浮士德无限进取的精神 ,呼唤英雄主义 ,改造国民性。笔者提炼了该派学说的基本理念 ,认为其学术性格中对“时代的意义”的强烈关注 ,以及广阔视野的“理想主义”值得学界重视。
The school of Warring-nations strategy, coming into being in the warring context of 1940's, is seriously concerned with the life vein of China culture ,and with the prospering Chinese traditional culture. Taking the above issue as a central point , the school, which inspired by Morphology of History , expounded the will of power and offered a special way of cultural introspection. Using Morphology of History as a tool, the school argued that the West Culture is characterized by being in the middle of “the age of Warring-nations', which determined its nationalism spirit combining “integration of the nation' and “the extolling of national character'. After experiencing a whole life cycle, Chinese culture miraculously created a new culture era. In the new cultural epoch, lacking vitality is shown as the main drawback of Chinese culture .Therefore, the school claimed that Faustian Spirit should be incorporated into Chinese culture and a new Chinese national character should be built.
Journal of Capital Normal University:Social Science Edition
The School of Warring-nations Strategy
The Age of Warring-nations
Morphology of History
Lack of Culture Vitality
Powerful Personality