
条件性恐惧的大脑回路研究概述 被引量:1

The Summary of the Fear Conditioning Circuit in the Brain
摘要 近年来 ,条件性恐惧的研究表明 :杏仁核是大脑中参与恐惧记忆获得、贮存和表达的一个重要组成部分 ;听觉条件性恐惧的神经回路是条件刺激和无条件刺激传递到杏仁核 ,在杏仁核中运行 ,并将这些信息投射到脑干控制系统 ,控制恐惧反应 ;条件性恐惧具有可塑性 ,杏仁核中的外侧神经核是可塑性的中枢部位 ,参与其可塑性的神经递质是N 甲基 D 天冬氨酸受体 ;恐惧情感的产生可能是前额叶皮层、海马和杏仁核三个脑区共同激活的结果。 The recent studies on fear conditioning have shown that the amygdala as an important component of the system involved in the acquisition, storage and expression of fear memory. The circuit of audio——fear conditioning in the brain has pinpointed that conditioned and unconditioned stimuli inputs to, travel through, and exit the amygdala, and project to the system of brainstem in which it control fear responses. Fear conditioning has physiological plasticity, which its center part locate in the lateral nuclei (LA), and N-methy1-D-aspartate receptor contribute to fear conditioning and its underlying plasticity. Fearful feelings or experience may be the result of some immediately present stimulus triggering long-term explicit memories and amygdala activation and prefrontal cortex of where the working memory simultaneously represent the outputs of these three made.
作者 刘海燕
出处 《首都师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第4期112-117,共6页 Journal of Capital Normal University:Social Science Edition
基金 北京市教育委员会科技发展计划重点项目 (KZ2 0 0 310 0 2 8) 国家攀登计划项目 (95 专 0 9)
关键词 恐惧 条件作用 杏仁核 大脑回路 Fear Conditioning Amygdala The Circuit in the Brain
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