马克思、恩格斯的悲剧观包含了外在悲剧观和内在悲剧观 ,本文通过对马克思、恩格斯的内在和外在悲剧观之间的关系 ,以及人物的性格、人格对悲剧的产生所具有不可忽视的甚至巨大的作用等方面 ,来分析马克思、恩格斯的内在悲剧观 ,即在强调社会历史的必然性对悲剧有重要影响的同时 ,也肯定了人的内在因素对悲剧形成的重要性。
The viewpoints of Marx and Engels include outer and inner viewpoints. This paper analyzes their inner tragic viewpoint from the relationship between inner and outer tragic viewpoints and the impact of character and personalities on the tragedy etc, in order to stress the influence of the historical and social necessity on tragedy and to show the importance of human inner factors in shaping tragedy.