How to make criterion for the market of online schools in element education and accelerate its development? how to make online school a stronger rallying point and a larger market for them? Distance Education in China, Information Version hold a Communication Between Presidents of Online Schools and Media in Aug 19th. In this communication Huangyong, the president of 101 Online School; Huangxiangwei, the president of the 4th Middle Online School; Wangjun, general manager of www.rdfz.com; Xiangquanlun, vice president of www.PKUschool .com; Yuanye, vice dean of Ledend Distant Education Institute of High School Affiliated to Peking University; Zhangzhen, general manager of Whaty were invited to give a discussion on the following subjects:- the need of social recognition- coming from the market the online school is lack of industry adscription- how to explore the market- need of industry union.
Chinese Journal of Distance Education