针对有线电视 (CATV)网络中设备进行远程监控、管理的要求 ,设计了一种基于CATV网络的不间断电源 (UPS)监控、管理系统 ,该系统可以实现对UPS、光端机、放大器等CATV网络设备的监控管理 ,若设备发生故障 ,便能及时发现和加以解决。文中给出了监控、管理系统模块和前端调制解调器的组成 ,以及软件实现方法。
To meet the needs of remote monitoring and management of the devices on CATV network, the paper introduces the design methods and implementation scheme to monitor and manage UPS and other devices on CATV network. The system can realize monitoring and management of the UPSs, optical transceivers, amplifiers and other CATV network devices, and can detect and solve the problems in time if the device’s failure occurs.
Electronic Engineer