
按概率分批寻呼的位置管理策略 被引量:2

A location management scheme with batch paging in probability order
摘要 位置管理是移动通信领域的一个具有挑战性的课题,涉及到位置更新和位置查找操作。在假定移动台的呼入是一个泊松过程,移动台在各个蜂窝的逗留时间是符合一般概率分布的随机变量的条件下,求出了移动台在两次呼入之间从一个蜂窝移动到另一个蜂窝的概率,提出了根据移动台进入到各个蜂窝的概率分批进行寻呼的位置管理策略,证明了这种策略的位置管理费用比一些国家现行移动通信系统的位置管理策略的费用小。 Location management, which consists of location updating and location query, is a challenging topic in mobile communication. On the assumption that the call arrival forms a Poisson process and that the residence time of a mobile residing in each cell is a generally distributed random variable, this paper derives the probabilities of a mobile's moving from one cell into another cell between two successive calls and proposed a new location management scheme that pages in cells one batch after another in order of mobile's visiting probabilities. Generally, the cost of the proposed location management scheme is less than that of the location management scheme currently used in some personal communications services networks in some countries.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第8期82-88,共7页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70171059) 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(602095 600043)
关键词 位置管理 移动性管理 蜂窝网络 移动计算 location management mobility management cellular networks mobile computing
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