G.Polya曾提出并否定回答了与 L agrange中值定理有关的问题 :对于 y=f( x) ,x∈ ( a,b)是否对任意的 ξ∈ ( a,b)都存在 x1,x2 ∈ ( a,b) ,x1<ξ<x2 ,使 f′( ξ) =f ( b) -f ( a)b-a ?作进一步讨论并证明了当 ξ为凹凸性点时 ,上述 x1,x2 存在 ,改进了已有的结论 ,同时还讨论了二元函数的相关问题。
G.Polya posed a question related with Lagrange's mean value theorem.For y=f(x) with x∈(a,b) and any ξ∈(a,b) one can find x_1,x_2∈(a,b),x_1<ξ<x_2,such that f′(ξ)=f(b)-f(a)b-a. It is proved that if ξ is a convexity point,one can get positive answer to the above question,which is an improvement of previous work.The problem for two variables functions is also discussed.
Journal of Anqing Teachers College(Natural Science Edition)