为了评价运行多年隧道的衬砌质量,查找隐患,开展了拱顶的地质雷达无损快速检测。在雷达波形剖面图上分析 空洞、不密实异常,推断出大量隐患。物探成果经过开凿验证,证明其隐患定位成功率在85%以上。地质雷达快速 检测方法为隧道病害治理提供了可靠的基础资料。
In order to estimate the quality and look up hidden trouble of tunnel used for many years, we have developed quick lossless inspection with vault geological radar. It is not very compact from the section picture of radar wave shape in analyzing empty cavity. And it is proved that successful probably of the orientation of hidden trouble is more than 85%. This method have provided reliable basic data to deal with hidden trouble of tunnel.