在贵州龙里巫山岩画约 180人的丰富的人物图中 ,我们得以窥见古代贵州居民们动感十足的巫舞、丰收庆典舞、生命繁殖舞以及骑马放牧的壮观情景。佩剑武士和骑虎人物的狙犷威武场面也展示在我们面前。庄重肃穆的舞人与代表巫术之意的“王”形符号 ,只见于邻区岩画和考古遗存中 ,头上饰羽、角、尾装饰的各种人物所描绘的古朴、奇特的远古头饰装饰跃然眼帘。这一幅幅难得的民族艺术造型的瑰宝 ,与贵州山水、民族同在。
Through the cliff paintings including about 180 persons in Longli Wushan, Guizhou, we can see the magnificent scenes such as wizard dance, harvest dance, reproducton dance, horse-riding and cattle-riding, horse-leading and cattle-leading, horse-driving and cattle-driving,herding of ancient residents in Guizhou province. In the cliff paintings, warriors with sword and person riding on the tiger, serious dancers and the “王” shape symbol presenting the witchery, all kinds of persons with the decoration of feather, horn, tail in their heads show vividly before us. All the peculiar national treasure with artistic design exists harmoniously with the beautiful mountains and rivers of Guizhou.
Guizhou Ethnic Studies