The article primarily studies three methods in document arrangement, which are marking pronunciation, exegesis and collation in Dai Zhen’s Mao Shi Bu Zhuan. Firstly, Mao Shi Bu Zhuan indicates that the classical text is in rhyme through marking pronunciation by two methods, which are direct and indirect. Mao Shi Bu Zhuan sometimes collates classical text according to the rhyme. Secondly, the exegesis characteristics of Mao Shi Bu Zhuanare primarily those which are attaching importance to sound exegesis, opposing far-fetched exegesis and indicating the law of text. Thirdly, the collation content of Mao Shi Bu Zhuan includes superfluousness, dropping, mistaking, difference and disorder. The methods are varied. There are two sorts of methods which are single and united.
The article primarily studies three methods in document arrangement, which are marking pronunciation, exegesis and collation in Dai Zhen's Mao Shi Bu Zhuan. Firstly, Mao Shi Bu Zhuan indicates that the classical text is in rhyme through marking pronunciation by two methods, which are direct and indirect. Mao Shi Bu Zhuan sometimes collates classical text according to the rhyme. Secondly, the exegesis characteristics of Mao Shi Bu Zhuanare primarily those which are attaching importance to sound exegesis, opposing far-fetched exegesis and indicating the law of text. Thirdly, the collation content of Mao Shi Bu Zhuan includes superfluousness, dropping, mistaking, difference and disorder. The methods are varied. There are two sorts of methods which are single and united.
Journal of Qingdao Technical College
marking pronunciation